European School of Coloproctology – Lap CME Programme

Applications are now open for the second of our laparoscopic CME programmes which will take place in Hamburg, Germany on 5-6 June 2019.
Our first course proved extremely popular and saw delegates from around Europe join us for 2-days of workshops and 1:1 learning.
Course Director Danilo Miskovic

“The workshop had a real collaborative feeling throughout. We combined lectures and discussions by both faculty and participants, with everyone being encouraged to share their thoughts and opinions. There was also a more technical element involved, looking at certain skills and techniques to prepare and carry out procedures. This course is just the beginning. We will follow up one to one with a member of the faculty in the participants’ hospitals over a period of six months, four days in total, when performing the first live cases. This way we can see them implementing what they have learned in the workshop.”